Nippon Kodo's Mainichikoh Sandalwood is one of our most popular items with customers and is the No.1 Incense stick brand.product in Japan.
It's been out-of-stock for a couple of months, but has now returned in an updated box and increased stick count.
- Now with 360 sticks/box (an increase or 100 over the older NK107 item)
- The net Incense weight is now 150g (increased from 107g)
Whilst the List price has now increased to £15.99, the per stick price is maintained below 4.5 pence each - making these remarkable value for such a good quality Japanese Incense Stick.
See full product details HERE.
Please note the changes to the box lid graphics - see photo on the Right. This will help you identify the new 360 stick boxes and avoid paying over the odds for the old 260 stick ones (if you can find them!).
As always here at Vectis Karma, we aim to give you the best level of customer service, product information and attention to detail. We now stock approx. 400 Incense items - over 130 of which are from Nippon Kodo. If you have any questions or would like some recommendations, email us at info@vectiskarma.co.uk.
Mainichikoh Sandalwood in the new 360 box are now in stock and ship free of charge using Royal Mail 1st Class within the UK.