Jyuemon Takai. Known as Koju, he was the master of incense to the Emperor Imperial Palace during the Tensho Era in Japan (1573-1592 CE). It was Koju who inspired the formation of Nippon Kodo in 1575.
Vectis Karma stocks all 5 varieties in the Koju 1575 range – * Moegi, Odori, Oji, Kibo and Yama. All 5 fragrances in the Koju 1575 range are complex blends, so deliver a range of top, middle and low notes. To match your preferences in fragrance types, the following guide suggestions may help:
Floral: Moegi and Odori
Woody/Spicy: Yama and Oji
Soft/Sensual: Odori and Kibo
Sweet: Odori
Light: Moegi,Odori and Kibo
Dark: Yama and Oji
Warm: Yama, Oji and Odori
Cool: Kibo and Moegi
Aloeswood: Yama and Oji
Sandalwood: Moegi, Odori and Kibo